Hi everyone!:) I promised on my last post that I will continue my blogging marathon for my overdue posts Sunday night, but something came up last night. Sunday morning, I woke up around 8:30am because I need to attend to my baby puppy who needs a walk for him to do his morning rituals. So after that, I prepared his breakfast which is milk and wait for him to finish and go back to sleep. Thank goodness after a few minutes, he's already asleep. As you all know I go to bed past 4am, almost 5am actually. I'm a little groggy and decided to take a nap while my baby puppy is sleeping. I woke up around 10:30am, did some household chores and cook lunch. I gave my baby puppy and my 2 cats their lunch and do some stuffs. Everything is fine not until that night where in my puppy just ate a little of his food and after a few minutes he throw up! I panicked! Checked if he's okay, if he's responsive and stuff. I remember my dad giving a spoon of sugar to our dogs way back then whenever they throw up just in case they are poisoned. So I did the same thing. Since my parents are currently not here in Manila. I need to do it on my own with support of my kuya. I'm really nervous and really don't know what to do. After giving him sugar, I asked my kuya to look after my puppy while I'm searching the net for home remedies and things that I need to know and do. Again, my puppy throw up while he is on my kuya's lap. I also checked his body temperature and it's 39.4 degrees Celsius. According to what I have read, normal body temperature of a puppy is 38-39.2!:( If only I could bring him to the doctor that time! So watched over him almost the entire night! He throw up again after 30minutes of his 2nd throw up!:( If only I could fast forward the time at 8am so that I can bring him to a vet!:( If only.. :( Everything went well around 4am onward.
This morning we went to see a veterinarian for his check-up.According to the vet, my puppy's temperature last night was normal. Up to 39.5 is normal! Thank God!:) The vet injected 2 medications, vitamins and antibiotic. He also prescribed medication to be administered twice a day for a week. My puppy is getting better now I must say. He's already playing around but most of the time he's sleeping and his appetite is back!:) Hope he'll get better super soon!
If you are a pet owner, you exactly know what I experienced! I've been a pet lover since I was a kid and it breaks my heart seeing my pet sick!
Let's love them and give them all the tender loving care we can give!:)
That's it for now loves! Have a great week ahead!:)
Love Lots,
Monday, April 30, 2012
Sunday, April 29, 2012
False eyelashes is one of the NYX products that I got from Judy's beauty loot she gave during her M&G here in Manila last January. It's just last April 3 that I got the chance to use it. I tried it once but it didn't work out since the glue that comes into the kit is not so good. Since it's my first time to wear false eyelashes on a certain occasion, I want to get a good glue which is not that expensive because I know that I won't be using it every now and then. A small one is just perfectly fine for my own consumption. I saw this on Watsons and gave it a try!
I think the price is just enough for the product you got.
See how small it is. It's smaller than a regular ballpen cap!:) Remember the bottle used for a perfume sample? Looks like that, right?:)
This is the color you will see during application, it's not pearly white color. Kind of purplish one. I don't know how to describe it. HAHA!!:p
Another shot!:)
Overall, It's a must try!:) It's adhesiveness is great and will last for half a day and more. :)
The only problem that I encounter using it is 1.) it's hard to open especially when you already used it, the glue left on the opening of the bottle make it hard to open it. 2.) After removing your false eyelashes, the mark of the glue remains and it's hard to remove even after washing it. :( Looks like I have some dirt on my lashes and eyelids.. Haha!:)
Repurchase? Yes!:) Not unless I got addicted on wearing false eyelashes, I guess that's the time I'll get the DUO eyelash glue. But for now, I'll stick to this!:)
Are you a false lashes junkie? Any recommendations for a not over priced yet good quality glue? Let me know!:)
That's it for now loves. It's almost 4am and I need to go to bed!:) I will be continuing this blogging marathon tomorrow!:) Have a great Sunday everyone!:) Don't forget to attend the Holy Mass!:)
Love Lots,
Hiyeee!:) As promised, I will be doing a few blog posts this
weekend, this is just 1 out of “I don’t know” posts that I will Be sharing with
So last month, I ordered 8 pcs. NYX SLP (slim lip pencil) on
a pre-order basis (this means I need to wait like 3-4 weeks for me to get the
items that I ordered) at NYX Cosmetics By Onlineshoppingzone on Facebook. It’s
just yesterday (Friday) that I received my order. It’s a little delayed but it’s fine
since I know how it feels for a seller whenever her package is delayed because
I’m a seller too. Plus the fact that Gel, the owner is nice and replies to my queries!:) Actually
I just want to buy the deep red shade because I saw it on 1 of Teena’s (ofAngKikayKo) video on YouTube. The shade would look good on my Miners Matte
Factor Lip Paint in Deep Red!:) Name pa lang ng shade pareho na di ba? Hahaha!!
I’m excited to wear it on my friend’s wedding which happen to be the same day
my order will be delivered! Haha! Well.. I still have lots of time to try it out!:)
Anyhoo, without further blah blah, here are the swatches of my 8
FYI, I did not adjust the color of the photos for you to see
the real color of it. I just put some linear gradient on the sides because I
need to cover some unnecessary things on my background! LOL!:)
Hope this post will help you find the perfect shade you're looking for!:) Any shades you like to recommend? Let me know, I would love to try them out!:) Review will follow anytime soon!:)
PS. Don't get my photos without my permission! I spend hours taking pictures and watermarking them so please, ask. I would gladly say yes!:)
Love Lots,
Thursday, April 26, 2012
My first liquid foundation! YES, FIRST!
Just so you know, I'm not a fan of liquid foundation. I don't even own one! HAHA!! (Looser much? Naaaaaah!!:p) I don't know, but i'm already satisfied with my loose mineral foundation and my 2 way powder foundation. But recently I just feel like getting myself a liquid foundation of my own. I have read a lot about the SAN SAN MATTE FINISH LIQUID FOUNDATION, since I'm on a very tight budget, I can't afford for now getting the liquid foundation I'm eyeing so I decided to give it a try. I don't know what shade will suit my skin tone, I ended up getting the #01 shade which is Natural (as what the sales lady told me). I also saw different types of false eye lashes, its just 20.75PHP per pair, so I also get 1 pair to try out.
SAN SAN MATTE FINISH LIQUID FOUNDATION regular price is 132PHP, it's on sale and I got it at 106PHP only!:)
1 bottle contains 30ml of liquid foundation
#01 Shade- Natural (That's what the sales lady told me.)
Having second thought of wearing this on the wedding. Parang sobrang bonnga kasi! LOL
I will be using the liquid foundation tomorrow for a friend's wedding. I'm worried if I'll get oily skin, wearing this foundation. Oiliness is next to ugliness, right? But how will I know without trying right? I've been experiencing oily face on my T-zone this past few days. Good thing I got my oil control film to wipe those oil away!:)
You, do you have any suggestions for a good liquid foundation and how to control the oil on my face? I'm not that oily not until this Summer. I think the severe weather causes my skin to secrete more oil. Hehe. Your reply would mean a lot to me!:) I will be back this weekend for all my pending blog posts, hopefully!:)
I will be updating y'all about my experience wearing it. For now... wish me luck!:)
Btw, here's a photo of my adopted baby puppy while I'm doing this post. So cute right?:)
He's sleeping in front of me inside an opened box drawer. <3
That's all for now, loves!:)
Love Lots,
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
FINALLY.. My Miners Matte Factor Lip Paint in HOT PINK
On my previous blog posts, I mentioned how much I love Miners Matte Factor Lip Paints! Actually, been wearing them almost every time I go out! HAHA! Anyhoo, I ordered Hot Pink last week and 1 Deep Red for my Ninang! She saw me wearing the Deep Red and asked me to get her one.. HAHA!! I just love it when people get to buy the lippy that I'm wearing. Lakas lang ng convincing powers ng lips ko! HAHA! So here's a picture of myself wearing my new lippy!:) Will definitely get the Warm Red shade soon! Medyo budgeted lang kasi. I need funds for my MAC COSMETICS PRE-ORDER kasi. That's it for now, I will be back ASAP for more posts. Sorry for being MIA for more than 2 weeks. I'll make it up to you loves!:)
Lovin' my Miners Matte Factor Hot Pink lippy that I got from Make Up Hub By Naturele Collezione!:) It's been 6 hours with no retouch! Ate lunch, snacks, plus the fact that I've been drinking a lot cause it's hot but still the color stays! ♥♥♥
Love Lots,
Monday, April 9, 2012
Liebster Award!:)

It's an honor receiving an award online. I just started blogging early February and been trying my best to update this blog as possible. It's just a great feeling knowing someone really appreciates my hard efforts just to give my readers something interesting to read about. Just recently, I met this cute and fashionable girl on her teen years online, Marja is her name. Marja of A Dose of Marja is the one who nominated me. I'm so thankful that a teen whose almost 10 years younger than me appreciates me!! I guess age is really just a number. :) Of course thanks also to all of you whose been following my blog! Yaaaaaay!! Hi-5!:D
"The Liebster Award goes to those who are considered dearest, beloved or favorite. (Liebster means those beautiful things in German)"
1. Link the person who gave you the award in your post.
2. Put the award in your post.
3. Choose 5 blogs with under 200 followers to receive the award.
4. Let them know you awarded them.
I nominate Marja of A Dose of Marja, Paulyn of Paulyn Vallejo, Shebby of Shebby-chic, M'ree of Silly M'ree and Jill of Aqua K.O
Visit their blogs!:) You might find something about them that may interests you!:) I really enjoyed reading their blogs!:)
Love Lots,
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Miners Matte Factor Lip Paints REVIEW
It's 3am and no one can stop me from doing this post! HAHA!! As promised, I will be doing review about the SUPER WINNER lippies, Miners Matte Factor Lip Paints.
Miners Matte Factor Lip Paints:
- a creamy texture lipstick that looks like a lip gloss. (the packaging)
- these lippies glides smoothly when applied and that creamy texture will result into a super great matte finish!(excuse me for the exaggeration slash redundancy "super great" but I think that's the perfect line to describe it!:p)
- After letting it dry on your lips, try to kiss the back of your hand.. It wont transfer! Perfect!:)
- PIGMENTED!:) Oohlala!:)
- Does not dry your lips even if its matte finish. But of course proper hydration of the lips should not be forgotten!:) (In my case, I always remove my lipstick before bedtime and apply petroleum jelly overnight. Drink lotsa water too!)
- Last for 4-6hours with minimal retouch. But if you drink using a straw and with a minimal food intake, I think no need for retouch.
- PERFECT on kodakan moments! HAHA! Looks good on photos!:)
Here are some pictures for you to see and judge. PS. Judge the color not the one wearing it ok? HAHAHA!!:) Be nice and gentle.. LOL
Me wearing the deep red shade and Alyssa wearing the peach shade.
DEEP RED- The name describes it already!:) My favorite!!:) "Lakas lang maka Ruby!:) Ang Bida Kontrabida!":p If you're a Filipino and watches Teleserye, I think you know what I mean!:D
PEACH- It's peach with pink undertone. Perfect for everyday look!:)
CAPPUCCINO- Before, I'm very addicted to nude shade lipsticks and because of this, I'm beginning to love it again!:) Don't get me wrong, RED will always be my forever love!:) This shade is perfect for a natural look, and for those who loves doing smokey eye look!:) Looks like you're not wearing any lipstick but your lips looks bolder! This is great if you wanna cheat for a plain natural lips look!:p
NOTE:Pardon my picture, I just need to take this shot right after we arrived home from a debut! (Actually kanina lang yan! Excited na kasi ako mag-post ng review!)
PS. Always remember that the things I experience may or may not be the same as yours.
This is based on my personal experience of the product and based purely on my honest opinion.
If you want to try this lippies, visit Makeup Hub By Naturele Collezione NOW!:)
Can't wait to try the Warm Red and Hot Pink shades!:)
PRICE: 300PHP/tube
I will definitely repurchase!:)
MUST TRY and a MUST HAVE on your make up kits!:)
So that's it for now loves!:) Will be posting another product review tomorrow so check back, okay?:)
Will sleep now. It's already 3:36am! Ang tagal kasi maupload nung pics! HAHAHA!!
Love Lots,
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